
about philstar.com

About Us

Philstar.com is one of the country's leading and most recognized digital brands in journalism. It is a top destination for a broad range of content, be it social, political, business, sports, entertainment or lifestyle news.

The newsroom’s award-winning multimedia journalism is known for its credible breaking news and contextual real-time coverage, in-depth explanatory reports and engaging storytelling that aim to help our audience make well-informed decisions and understand events and the world around them.

The Company

Philstar Global Corp., which owns and operates Philstar.com, is the digital company under the STAR Group of Publications, whose flagship print publication is The Philippine STAR, a leading national broadsheet.

Our History

In August 2000, Philstar Global Corp. launched with Philstar.com. Starting out as the online edition of The Philippine STAR, Philstar.com has developed its own editorial team and content. It became one of the country’s biggest digital news outlets.

Alongside its own digital journalism, Philstar.com hosts content from:

The Philippine STAR, a leading English-language broadsheet

Pilipino Star Ngayon, a leading tabloid-style newspaper published in Filipino

The Freeman, Cebu’s oldest English-language newspaper

Pang-Masa, a Filipino-language tabloid

Banat, a tabloid published in Cebuano

In March 2018, Philstar Global Corp. acquired Interaksyon, a former news website of television network TV5. It now produces features and analyses on social issues and current events from the perspective of social media.

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Contact the Editorial Team

You can get in touch with our editorial team for pitches and invites.

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Learn more about our fact-checking initiative and submit inquiries to [email protected].

Contact the Marketing Team

Looking to establish media partnerships, or barter deals? Send our marketing team an email!

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Kevin Belmonte
President and CEO
Rose Anne Belmonte
Chief Operating Officer


Camille Diola
Head, Editorial
Kristine Daguno-Bersamina
Managing Editor
Dino Maragay
Head, Sports Section
Deni Bernardo
Head, Lifestyle and Entertainment Section

Advertising and Sales

Eia Santos
Digital Advertising Head
Joel Liray
Ad Operations Manager
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